Exhibition of Song Seongyong, Gangam
Gangam has been recognized as the highest authority in Korea. He devoted himself to Confucianism, Chinese Classics, and calligraphy his whole life. He also established a reputation for literary paintings such as the four gracious plants. He established his own calligraphy style, Gangam style, fusing the tradition of old law into modern aesthetic value of a sculpture.Displayed works : 100Venue : Gangam Calligraphy Hall -
Exhibition of Hwang Wook, Seokjeon
He was fully equipped with Chinese classics and six basic qualifications of manners, music, archery, horse-riding, calligraphy, and math which learned men should strive to improve. In the later period of his life, he established and became a master of his own akpil style, writing calligraphy works grasping the brush in his hand, not fingers.Displayed works : 100 pieces of workVenue : Jeonju National Museum -
Invitational Exhibition of Calligraphy Artists from Wanju-gun
A festive event of Wanju-gun calligraphy artists to be held associated with calligraphy groups in order to celebrate and commemorate the Calligraphy Biennale.Period : During the Calligraphy BiennaleVenue : Cheong-un GalleryParticipants : 40 artists -
Calligraphy and Personality Education-Training for Elementary School Principals of the Jeollabuk-do Region
Date : Oct. 20~21, 2015Venue : Conference Hall, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do